CBD Oil is Going to Help Me be the Greatest Dad Ever
Feb 15, 2017

CBD oil is going to help me to be the greatest dad ever.
You’re already wondering how CBD oil might reach so far into my life and make that kind of impact. Here’s the story: I’ve got two sons, aged three and six. They’re full of energy, emotion and curiosity. Engaging them at their level takes all of my energy, and I focus on them intently because I know that I can be the patient, calm and generous dad I know I can be. Sometimes, however, I lose my patience with them. I know I can’t beat myself up too much, but I have often wished that I could extend those virtues within myself that I admire in the great parents I know. My parents were amazing. Mom was there all the time for us. But that was then. In today’s world, it’s different. Between my wife and I, we have three jobs, and we spend a lot of time juggling our schedules. That makes being totally focused on being a dad a really challenging thing to do. Enter CBD oil.
CBD oil represents a very subtle shift in the routine of my day, but it appears to have made a major impact in how I look at things. There is no feeling of euphoria with CBD oil, and I can’t say that the difference in how I feel physically is very pronounced. Yet, my body remains a bit more relaxed, and I find that the way I react to the world is calmer and more deliberate. Generally speaking, it’s just a little easier to enjoy my busy life with daily CBD oil.
CBD oil is something I have been taking daily, and I’ve found that the little boost I get in focus, calm and clarity pays enormous dividends when I’m focusing on my little guys. I love engaging my sons at their level. It’s fun to take the time to get down on the carpet with them and play with cars and blocks and trains. It’s rewarding to know that I’m responding to them, and not reacting to their behavior. I’ve found that taken daily, CBD oil is helping me to find the balance and clarity to really up my game as a parent. It has been amazing, for me, and for my family. So, CBD oil is going to play a big role in me becoming, and remaining, the kind of great dad that I know I can be.
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