What are CBD Tinctures?
The use of tinctures go far back in history. For early pharmacists like the Egyptians, they would soak plants in the strongest alcohol available – usually beer or wine or mead - to extract the active ingredients. The process became more efficient once the Arabs invented the distillation of alcohol and supercharged it with the strength of liquor. It then became much easier to extract the essence of plants.
The most important medical plants of the ancient world, was soon being extracted with liquor as well. Extracts of hemp spread across the world and their use became a mainstay for medical use by everyone from the European physicians to the Chinese doctors and finally out onto the pharmacy shelves of the early United States.
Why do we sell cbd oil?
Because many do not like the taste or health effects of strong alcohol, that’s why CV Sciences uses CO2 extraction, a safe and clean method used widely throughout the herbal world, to extract all of the active ingredients out of our hemp biomass. This hemp extract is then placed into olive oil because it’s one of the easiest oils for the stomach and GI tract to digest. This method gets all of the CBD, terpenes, minor cannabinoids, and fatty acids into one easy-to-use oil.
CBD Tinctures FAQs
Below are some common questions we hear frequently asked, regarding CBD Tinctures.